Like me, I doubt whether you have ever been invited to a garden party
at Buckingham Palace. It is not a privilege that is extended to many. Perhaps
if you have made some significant contribution to society, you are successful
business person, sporting superstar, or winner of some award it is possible
that you might be invited. I understand that if you are invited there is sent
with your invitation a guide as to what you must wear. There is a standard of
dress. Similarly, you may be advised on how to speak to members of the Royal
Family, just in case you are introduced to one or more of them. |
I think we’d all agree that Lenny, the man in the second picture, is
hardly dressed for the palace. Having been homeless for 29 years, according to
the story, he doesn’t possess the right clothes and would not be seen as a
suitable candidate to receive an invite. There could not be a sharper contrast
between those in the dress of the palace and those like Lenny. Whilst some
might criticise that contrast and the fact that some live in luxury whilst
others live in poverty I want to use it to illustrate the Christian message.
Like Lenny we are ‘down and out’. That is a statement that describes
our state before God. We are not fit for His presence. All of our best efforts
are like the filthy rags of the person sleeping rough.[1] They will not gain us
entry into the presence of a holy God. As sinners, we fall short of what God
requires.[2] We might think we can present ourselves at the gate of heaven and
be accepted but that is less likely to occur than if Lenny walked like that to
the gate of Buckingham Palace and expected to be received at the Royal Garden Party.
It would not happen. It will not happen to us for God’s standard is far higher
than the Queen’s.
But the news of the Christian gospel is that a transformation can be
made in all of us. It is not that we require a “wash and brush up”, as might be
the case for the palace. That would be to change the outside only. What we
need, and what the gospel of Christ can achieve, is a change from the inside
out. Our sins can be blotted out – forgiven. We can be changed.[3] We can be
made a new person in Christ. But how is that possible?
Some 2000 years ago Jesus Christ gave up His life on a Roman cross
outside the ancient city of Jerusalem. That death, or sacrifice, was not an
accident, or just a miscarriage of justice. It was a voluntary act to deal with
the problem of our sin and guilt. As a Christian I can save that Jesus suffered
and died there for my sin. He paid the penalty that I might be cleansed and
made fit for God’s presence. I am trusting Him for my salvation.
I’ve never been to a Garden Party at the palace. I probably never will.
But I do know that I will be received into heaven one day. I will see the face
of my Saviour on that day. I know which I’d sooner have! What about you?
[1] Isaiah 64 verse 6
[2] Romans 3 verse 23
[3] 2 Corinthians 5 verse 17