Friday 22 June 2012

It's raining . . .

There used to be an old rhyme that went something like this: 'it's raining, it's pouring . . .' How appropriate for our experiences in June 2012. It has been the wettest June since records began. Hosepipe bans have been lifted but we're all wondering when we're going to get a summer!

On June 23rd we hold what we call an evangelism day in Kirkby. With the weather as it has been In the UK, wet on the Thursday and Friday, you might be wondering why we would want to do that. Why set out in the rain to deliver leaflets around the doors of Kirkby? Either you must be getting well paid or you must be mad. The answer is neither! We're not getting paid. Anyone who helped us did do freely and willingly. Are we mad? No, but we are serious about the message that we seek to carry to you.

The message of the gospel is God's good news to you - that's what gospel means, 'good news'. However, as is often the case in our experience, it is a 'limited offer'. Time is short. Salvation from sin will not be available forever. That's why we are serious about getting this message to you. We don't want you to miss the opportunity that God is giving you NOW.

If you want to do something about your sin - that which separates you from God and eternal life - you need to do it now. God gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die upon the cross (Roman crucifixion) for your sin and mine. The Lord Jesus Christ was punished for our sin that we might go freely to heaven, saved and cleansed by His death. Have you recognized that you are a sinner before God and need the Lord Jesus? Do it now and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to save you!