Saturday, 13 May 2017

Vote, Vote, Vote

It can’t have escaped your notice that June 8th is polling day to elect a new parliament and, possibly, a new party in government. The newspapers, radio, and television, together with the Internet, are updated daily with the latest statements of the major and minor political party leaders and their colleagues. In addition, every sound bite is analysed to try and determine what a particular leader meant, and what might happen if they are elected. Against that background the poor elector is expected to determine what is true and accurate amidst the bias of the different newspapers, and the propagandists. It is an unenviable task, and that might explain why many voters do not go to the polls.

For the Bible believing Christian, there is a simple answer in the midst of the political posturing, infighting, and intrigue. It is a statement that was made by one of the most powerful and absolute rulers in ancient history, whose kingdom stretched across the Middle East. He said, ‘the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men’. [1] I doubt that such a statement would be popular amongst the politicians of the day. Neither do I think that the statement of Jesus Christ would find much support amongst the advocates of strong leadership and assertive politics, for He said, ‘I am meek and lowly of heart’ and ‘my yoke is easy, and my burden is light’. [2] The words of a parable told by the Lord Jesus were prophetic of the reaction of the world to Him. They said, ‘We will not have this man to reign over us’. [3]

This is the problem that we all face but are reluctant to admit. It is implicit in the whole process of voting. It is called self-determination – being able to decide who will rule and govern, whether locally or nationally. But it is more than that. What the Bible calls ‘sin’ is all about its middle letter – ‘I’. I want to do what I think is right for me. I want to please myself. I want to rule my own life and decide upon my own destiny. The sad thing is that such an attitude has consequences, some in this life and many in that which is to come. The Bible says, ‘the wages of sin is death’. [4] The possibility of separation from God is real.

The Lord Jesus Christ was put to death upon a Roman cross some 2000 years ago. He was cast out, despised and rejected. But He will rule one day. He will not be voted in. He will be established and enthroned by God. That will be the only time when injustice, prejudice, greed, poverty, exploitation, and crime will be banished. However, it is possible to know and accept the rule of the One who we remember at Christmas as ‘The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace’. [5] He said in Matthew’s Gospel, ‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’. [6] If we confess our sin and accept His invitation, we will find that He delivers on all that He promises. We will also find the happiness and fulfilment that most of us desperately crave. Another Bible verse says, ‘being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’. [7]

[1] Daniel 4 verse 17

[2] Matthew 11 verses 29 and 30

[3] Luke 19 verse 14

[4] Romans 6 verse 23

[5] Isaiah 9 verse 6

[6] Matthew 11 verse 28

[7] Romans 5 verse 1