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I am aware that I have missed it. It was last week. It would be
difficult to miss it in reality. There is so much publicity leading up to it
and on the day itself. Gift and card shops, supermarkets, and a multitude of
other retail outlets are geared up to maximising their profits from our
obsession with Valentine’s Day. However, it made me think about our
appreciation of love. Is our love just about one day in the year? Is our love
defined by flowers, cards, chocolates, or some other gift on just that one day?
Surely, if love is to have any meaning it must be more than that?
For most people love is an emotional attraction and attachment to
another individual. That individual may be a spouse, relative, or friend, and,
to a large extent, the strength of that relationship is dependent upon that
attraction. Sadly, as attraction fades or becomes un-natural, relationships are
severed or turned to abuse.
The Bible speaks of a love far greater than mere attraction and
attachment: ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life’
[1]. God’s love is an expression of His heart and His will: ‘But God commendeth
his love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us’ [2]. It
may surprise you but we are not attractive to God. As those who have rebelled
and sinned against Him we are far from loveable! Every time we break God’s law,
and every time we choose to go our own way rather than God’s, we sin against
Him – we offend Him. Yet, as our verse tells us, God still loves us. If it was
just a matter of emotion, God’s love might well have faded. But God’s love is
unchanging and unchangeable.
Equally, God’s love is unlimited. The defining act of God’s love has
been expressed in the verse above: ‘he gave his only begotten Son’. As another
verse puts it: ‘He . . . spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us
all’ [3]. God delivered up His Son to death, and that the most evil and inhumane
death conceived by man – crucifixion! He did that in order to express His love
and to provide us with His salvation from sin’s penalty and power.
You may be familiar with the idea of unrequited love – the person you
love does not love you and rejects your gifts and affection. God has given so
much for you and for me. He has given His Son. He has provided a way for us to
be saved, forgiven, and washed clean from the defilement of our sin. What is
our response? Are we prepared to accept God’s love toward us? Are we prepared
to turn from our life of sin and take Jesus Christ as our Saviour?
[1] John chapter 3 verse 16
[2] Romans chapter 5 verse 8
[3] Romans chapter 8 verse 32