Friday, 6 May 2016

Time flies

It is nearly six months since our last blog post. In looking back over that period I am deeply conscious of how time flies. Was it really less than a month before Christmas 2015 that we last completed a message? Where have the months gone?

Of course, the reality is that time does not fly. It is just our impression. Our celebration of Christmas was months ago. Easter was six weeks ago. However, as the daily routine takes over so the weeks pass quickly and, before we blink, we will be celebrating another Christmas. My concern in this theme is how quickly life will be past. What preparation in the busy passage of time have we made for eternity?

When we are young life seems to lie ahead in all its fullness. We feel we need to live a little, enjoying what life has to offer. We can put off such things that we feel belong to later life. In reality, there is never a better time to consider our salvation than now. The Bible tells us 'now is the day of salvation'.[1] A tremendous opportunity lies within the range of each of us - to secure our home in heaven and peace with our creator God. But we must get right with God now. We must get our sins forgiven whilst we have opportunity. Our sins are the barrier between us and God, between us and heaven.

The good news is that God offers us forgiveness and cleansing. God says, 'Come now, and let us reason together . . . though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow'.[2] Through the death of Jesus Christ on Calvary's hill we can be saved - forgiven of our sins and cleansed of their stain. All it takes is faith - a firmly held belief that when Jesus Christ died, He died for you! Come to God now. Tell him of your deep need because of your sin. Do it now - tomorrow may be too late!

[1] 2 Corinthians 6. 2
[2] Isaiah 1. 18