‘A Kirkby GP surgery has
been placed into special measures following an inspection by the Care Quality
Commission (CQC). They found the quality of care at Kirkby Community Primary Care Centre to
be inadequate following an inspection carried out in May 2015’. This story was featured in the Ashfield Chad,
July 2015. According to that story, over 5000 people are registered with the
Centre and rely upon it for their health care when needed. I would be surprised
if some of the patients are not worried by the Commission’s findings, concerned
as to whether their treatment there has been sufficiently thorough. I hope that
these fears can be alleviated quickly and the concerns of the Commission
The situation made me think. We all need to have confidence in the key
services that we rely upon, whether that is doctors, hospitals, police or fire
service. All of these services have an
impact upon the quality of our lives. We need to know that such services are there, can be relied upon to deal
with our case effectively, and enable some return to normality once that
service has been used. Failure in
any one may even put our life in danger. We depend upon them.
In my experience, albeit mainly of the health
care aspect, the service and the treatment have been excellent and I would
commend the staff at my GP surgery, and the local hospitals where I have been
treated. But I am aware that people make mistakes. They get things wrong!
Diagnosing illness is not only difficult but prescribing the right course of
treatment can be harder. With something so vital, the patient wants certainty,
both in terms of what is wrong as well as what needs to be done to put it
I wonder what we are placing our faith in
when it comes to the matter of our eternal destiny. In the matter of our
physical health, we would spare no effort or expense to keep our health and be assured
that we will not die young. Sadly, many people give no thought to what lies
beyond death, and have made no preparation. Some people have given it thought.
They attend church; they give to charity; they are caring and generous people.
They are pinning their hopes on the things that they do! If there was a ‘care
commission’ that had oversight of efforts for heaven, its word for such
activity would be ‘inadequate’.
The Bible says that all our best efforts will
never be good enough for God. But isn’t that unfair? No. In medical terms, the
Bible presents us with the diagnosis – we are sinners who are on our way to a
lost eternity. But, thankfully, God has provided a cure for the problem of sin.
In the person of His Son, Jesus Christ, we can have our sins forgiven, the
guilt of those sins lifted, and the assurance of a home in heaven. Why? The
Lord Jesus Christ paid the penalty for my sin when He died upon the cross. When
I trusted Him I found forgiveness and cleansing! What about you?